About ShopTips

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Hi there, I am Sumit, an android hobbyist and founder of ShopTips. Thanks for your interest in ShopTips. Here is a quick story behind ShopTips you may find interesting.

The Internet has completely changed the way we do shopping today. With many sellers, millions of products and their thousands of reviews scattered across many apps and websites, we tend to spend so much time looking for the right information to choose product and service.

It often made me think if I could find a better way to search and share such information in a simple, short and quick manner all together at one place. That gave me the idea to create ShopTips!!

So what is ShopTips and what it aims to do different?


Make Shopping Easy

ShopTips app is my hobby project to build a free shopping media platform to search and share the three essentials product and service details – Feature, Tip and Review in an intuitive, concise and collaborative way. ShopTips is all about sharing our product and service expertise with each other to make shopping easy. 

ShopTips stands out from traditional apps and websites by mainly focusing on providing short, useful and to the point contents in form of Feature, Tip and Review posts about products and services. I believe this will help shoppers like me and you to find right product and service information quickly rather than browsing lengthy, tedious apps and websites.

ShopTips is an ideal platform to promote product and service features, share expert tips and post hands-on reviews. ShopTips' signed in users can also save the posts to create their own on device shopping checklists which is a great way to do smart shopping.

If you liked ShopTips and would like to help ShopTips grow, you are welcome to sign in to post contents and let your shopping expertise help others!!

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